Forza Series is an original documentary/web series created by club Executive Director Marco Balsamo. The series, which will be an exclusive, offers an unprecedented behind-the-scenes look at the club. Season One of the series will cover the 2000 team's Viareggio Cup experience in 2019, with Part One being already available for viewing online. Forza Series: Viareggio will span over 5 parts, with the remaining segments releasing episodically throughout February and April.
Forza Series: Viareggio Synopsis: In March 2019, FA Euro New York's 2000 age group competed in the 71st edition of the Viareggio Cup. The tournament, hosted in Tuscany, is known as one of the most important showcases in the world. Despite coming from various backgrounds and ways of life, each player had an identical goal in mind: Becoming a professional player.
"We are very proud of Forza Series," exclaims Marco Balsamo. "I can't think of a better way to launch Season One than covering the Viareggio Cup, giving viewers a very authentic look at what's expected of aspiring players wishing to play at the highest levels. We wanted to create a rare, raw, and real look at the world that we are so passionate and very serious about."
Forza Seires: Viareggio Part Two may contain explicit language. Viewer discretion is advised. An edited version, suitable for all viewers, is availble HERE